Webinar | Democratizing Manufacturing Data

Webinar | Democratizing Manufacturing Data

Responding to supply chain disruptions before customers are negatively impacted is a common challenge for every manufacturer. In light of COVID-19 supply shortages, the criticality of supply chain transparency has never been more clear. Join MxD and MachineMetrics to explore a case study showing how MxD is working with American manufacturers to prepare their supply chains to respond rapidly and proactively to future supply chain disruptions, with an emphasis on the importance of democratizing manufacturing data.

12:00pm CT Data Connectivity for Supply Chain Risk Management
Emily Jerger, Sr. Project Engineer, MxD
12:25pm CT Democratizing Manufacturing Data
Graham Immerman, VP of Marketing, MachineMetrics
12:50pm CT Q&A

This webinar was originally recorded on June 5, 2020.