Future-Proofing Your Supply Chain: Risk Management and Crisis Response


Virtual Event



About the Event

The vulnerabilities of global supply chains have been front and center over the last year and companies are looking to take more proactive steps to protect their lines of business. Beyond the disruption of a global pandemic, supply chains are susceptible to external events such as climate emergencies, cybersecurity hacks, and geopolitical conflicts, as well as internal triggers like leadership turnover, passive culture, and lack of contingency planning. Sustainable businesses need structured assessment methods as well as protective frameworks and organizational resilience to be poised for success.

On June 24th, The Executives Club of Chicago's International Business and Manufacturing and Supply Chain Forums are hosting supply chain experts to share their insight on emerging threats and the measures companies need to take to manage risk. MxD CEO Chandra Brown will provide welcome remarks before the panel. Join us to ensure your organization is up to date on the latest technologies and strategies to safeguard your supply chain from any threat.

Please contact alyssa.sullivan@mxdusa.org for a comp code if you are part of the MxD community and would like to attend.