MxD for Academics: Funding and Membership Opportunities


Virtual Webinar



Key Speakers

Sena Cooper
Tom Kurfess
Tony Papke
Wildaline Serin
Brian Townley

Ticket Price


About the Event

Join us for a webinar on the benefits of MxD membership for Academic Institutions. We will explore how joining the MxD ecosystem can provide resources that align with institutional goals, talk through funding opportunities, hear from a current Academic member, and more.

We will also dive into our recently released Request for Proposal (RFP) on Emerging Technology, an immediate funding opportunity for Academic Institutions. The RFP will be released on Thursday, July 8th. For more information on this RFP, email the Projects Team at

Attendees can expect the following outcomes from this webinar:

  • Learn about the various benefits that MxD offers to its Academic Members
  • Tips on best practices on how to engage with MxD’s open RFP
  • Opportunity for Q&A with MxD team members

MxD’s emerging technology program enables academic institutions to leverage funding from both MxD and Industry Partners to develop early-stage (TRL 3-6) applied research in digital manufacturing and cybersecurity research in manufacturing. To learn more about this program and other project information, contact the Projects Team at

Key Speakers

image of <b>Sena Cooper</b>
Sena Cooper
Director, R&D Projects,
image of <b>Tom Kurfess</b>
Tom Kurfess
Oak Ridge National
Laboratory Chief,
Manufacturing Officer
image of <b>Tony Papke</b>
Tony Papke
Director, Business Development,
image of <b>Wildaline Serin</b>
Wildaline Serin
Project Engineer,
image of <b>Brian Townley</b>
Brian Townley
Business Development Associate,