Pitch Session: Virtual Interaction with Supply Chain Using Digital Twins
Virtual Event
About the Event
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Please join MxD's community for a virtual proposal concept pitch session on October 20, 2021. The purpose of the Pitch Session is to provide individuals and organizations the opportunity to share a snapshot of their solution to the RFP and receive preliminary feedback from the MxD community. In addition, this will be an excellent teaming opportunity for individuals and groups that identify synergies between their pitches.
MxD Project 21-12: “Virtual Interaction with Supply Chain using Digital Twins” will fund the development of a solution that allows for real-time sharing and collaboration of digital twins across organizations within a supply chain. Through this investment, MxD seeks to take the next step in the evolution of this new technology by focusing on integrating the data exchanges connecting various digital twins. The ability to integrate digital twins with each other will be a differentiating factor in the future, as physical assets and equipment evolve.
Individuals who wish to attend must register online. Individuals who wish to present a pitch must email projects@mxdusa.org and sign up to present by 5:00 p.m. CT Friday, October 15, 2021. See the RFP for detailed instructions.