DoD MII Point of Need Manufacturing Challenge

OSD ManTech has identified examples of point-of-need manufacturing applications of interest from our Department of Defense (DoD) partners. Project teams are being asked to bring innovative manufacturing solutions that can be deployed close to the warfighter. Technologies must be designed to operate within both of two challenging operational environments. Technologies will be demonstrated at a location chosen by DoD within the continental United States that represents one of the two operational environments listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP). As part of MxD’s member ecosystem, you can take part in this opportunity to advance solutions toward a critical DoD need.

About the Project

A successful solution conveys a technical approach or methodology that demonstrates an advanced manufacturing system that could address one or more of the challenges below. Each challenge is based on a Class of Supply. Projects shall demonstrate the technology that could address the scenario and be deployed and perform in the required operational environment.

(1) Build the Forward Operating Base (FOB) Challenge
(2) Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV) Challenge
(3) Warfighter Medical, Health, and Nutrition Challenge
(4) Power Challenge
(5) Cyber Challenges
(6) Staying in the Fight Challenge
(7) Other

The initial proposal submission (Step 1) consists of a concept paper (no more than 5 pages) and a quad chart (template is provided); additional details in the OSD Project Call RFP.

Proposal teams are required to notify MxD at by January 24th, 2023, 5:00 p.m. CT if they intend to respond to Step 1 of the RFP. If the proposal team would like for MxD's role to extend beyond Project Management, they additionally must schedule time with MxD's CTO Federico Sciammarella.

Step 1 documents (concept paper and quad chart) must be submitted to MxD using the Submit button on the left by February 5th, 2023, 5:00 p.m. CT. MxD will then submit proposals to OSD ManTech on February 7th.

More About This Type of Opportunity

OSD ManTech is working with each of its Manufacturing Innovation Institutes, leveraging their project call processes under current agreements, to assemble and review white papers that address dual-use applications that are responsive to specific needs of the Department of Defense (DoD) - and the domestic manufacturing industry. This call is just one opportunity. MxD members are able to access and participate in this and other project calls and manufacturing challenges.