Connected World Announces 2020 Women of Technology Winners – MxD CEO Chandra Brown Featured Winner

Each year, Connected World compiles nominations that are submitted by industry and researched by the editorial team. The Women of Technology entries are judged by a panel of past winners who determine the new winners based on established criteria including involvement with technology, how each individual has helped a company prosper and progress, how she has contributed to the growth of technology, and how she has mentored other women and goes above and beyond to support other women in business, technology, transformation, and her local community.

This year, MxD CEO Chandra Brown was named a 2020 Woman of Technology/IoT. Read about the eighth annual Women of Technology and IoT 2020 list and the notable winners here.

About Connected World magazine
Connected World’s mission it to be informative, yet fun, for the aspired, driven, influential, and transformative. It connects people, products, and processes. It’s all about the IoT and digital transformation.