Welcome to “Ask Deb from QA,” a new column from MxD.
Every week, Deb from QA — with decades of experience on the factory floor — will answer your questions to demystify and explain the digital manufacturing industry.
Please submit your questions to debfromqa@mxdusa.org
Dear Deb: I’m graduating from high school this year, but don’t think a four-year college degree is for me. I love gaming, programming and tech in general. Should I consider cybersecurity?
There used to be this thought that if you wanted to make a great living, you must earn a four-year college degree.
Hon, let me tell you, that’s hogwash.
Ol’ Deb here never stepped foot on an Ivy League campus and I’ve already got my Florida Keys retirement condo all picked out.
As I’ve written about before, one of the fastest growing sectors in manufacturing is cybersecurity. There are plenty of positions available and the pay is good.
What’s great about a cybersecurity career is that it doesn’t require an expensive four-year school to receive solid training. Several community colleges around the country, in fact, are respected for their cybersecurity education. As my friend from MxD, Liz Stuck, told me for a column a few weeks back, check out Moraine Valley Community College outside Chicago and Mt. Hood Community College in Oregon. Even if you don’t commit to a community college, you can earn certifications or take online classes.
Based on your love of gaming and programming (and the fact that you’re still in high school, which tells me you’re a digital native), I think you’ll find a career in cybersecurity fascinating.
Ever watch that Bruce Willis movie Live Free or Die Hard? Yeah, it’s kinda like that. If you’re excited by the idea of protecting companies from nefarious hackers, cybersecurity can make you feel like a real-life action star.
So yes, you should definitely look into a career in cybersecurity. Becoming really good at that job won’t cost you an arm and a leg.
Assuring quality,
Download MxD’s Hiring Guide: Cybersecurity in Manufacturing, which identifies 247 cybersecurity job roles and the skills, education and training needed to fill them. It’s a must-read for HR and manufacturing execs.
Check out last week’s Ask Deb here:
COVID Hotspot in My Supply Chain
Deb from QA wants to hear your questions. Send ‘em to debfromqa@mxdusa.org and she’ll answer as soon she’s done with her shift.